Cybersecurity Mission

We help you to show your customers proof how seriously you keep on top of your Cyber Resilience.
NIS2 – BIO – DORA – ISO 27001 – ISAE3000X – GDPR (AVG) are closely aligned standards.

Nis2-foundation utilizes the NIST CIS v8 maturity rating as its benchmark for assessing maturity levels, which it then could map to NIS2, CYRA, and ISO 27001, VIR, VIRB, BIO, ISAE3000X, GDPR (AVG).


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Cybersecurity Consultancy

At NIS2Foundation, our vision is to empower organizations by providing cutting-edge cybersecurity consultancy  services.  Having served numerous clients, we specialize in crafting successful cybersecurity strategies that prioritize resilience and compliance. In today’s era of digital transformation, local cyber legislation and supply chain governance, the need for an optimized security posture & network hygene is paramount. Our team of consultants and partners are well-versed in the latest cyber trends, services, and solutions. We are dedicated to sharing our expertise with your IT team to ensure the security of your crucial business data.

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